FREE 5-habits that will completely transform your life

This One Daily Practice, Can Completely Shift

Your Self-Confidence and Self-Respect!

What If, This Was The Key To Unlocking What You've Been Waiting For & Missing?

What You'll learn:

  • This is the first steps towards the Self-Mastery process of Self-Control!

  • *How to directly deal with yourself one-one one, with zero distractions!

  • *How to slow you mind, to build more clarity within!

  • *Build Self-Confidence within by reinforcing a trust practice for you!

  • *To Become more present in your relationships as a partner, spouse, father or grandfather!

  • *How to identify patterns to get to the root of your internal consciousness!

  • *Build a WIN first thing in the morning! 

  • *How to begin to how to ger rid of traits that no longer serve you!

  • *How to build a foundation of the 10.0 version of the MAN/FATHER that you most desire to become!​​ 

Hey! I'm Albert

Albert Chavez! Yes I say this loud and proud!

In 2019, I was 47 years old, an alcoholic, and I found myself alone, and just about at ROCK bottom.

I was at a crossroads with my life and myself!

Continue this loathing, pathetic, victim, needy, baby bitch boy of a self, OR pick my ass up and become the HERO of my own story!

And that's just what I did!

I sought professional help, I invested in a life coach in December of 2019, to address all my SHIT! My trauma, my mom wound and fix my MIND! Then in the same month of 2019, I invested in a Personal Trainer to get my body right and get SHREDDED! I was not going to become another statistic and victim-a broken Man/Father in his later 40's with a mid-life crises!

So from January 2020-April 2022, I went to work! Lost 40lbs of body weight; dropped 24% body fat from 30%+ to 6% body fat! And then at the young age of 50 years young I decided to HELP other men and fathers on their JOURNEY!

I am the FOUNDER of! I LIVE it! BREATHE it! And EMBODY my program-BUILT UNCOMMON!

My mission is help BUILD UNCOMMON men and fathers through Self- Discipline, Fitness, Fat loss, and an Unshakeable Mindset, to lead their families and people!

We first:


BECOME the character


This IS your first step(s) towards building the man you most ADMIRE to be!

When a MAN is right...his WORLD is right!



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